Articles and video diaries, made to inspire you to get curious about art, creativity and living authentically to support your well-being.
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Created with love, enjoy!
Rediscover the joy of play: 7 ways creative expression enriches adult life creativity & well-being Mar 11, 2024

Creative play is not just for children. We embrace the concept of play in our kids' development. In fact, we encourage it, whether it’s active role play, new sensory experiences or good...

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Paper Collage Birds | Sketchbook Diary | Holistic Art Process studio video diaries Mar 11, 2024

This week, I am doing something a little different. I am working on a larger painting and will incorporate collage. I wanted to do a little experiment using patterned papers to create some collage...

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Free Play Acrylic Flowers | Sketchbook Diary studio video diaries Mar 05, 2024

Just play… Let your natural curiosity dictate some of your creative moments. Set an intention of play and see what emerges.

Choosing colours, materials, and methods instinctively with no...

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The creative secret sauce my crafty mother didn't know to teach me creativity & well-being studio behind the scenes Feb 26, 2024

My mother is an avid maker of things. 

In my very early years, her obsession was knitting.  Plastic Sainsbury’s bags jammed with unruly tangled rainbows of wool. Giant, numbered,...

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Blue Madness | Artwork Process studio video diaries Feb 22, 2024

There is beauty in surprise…

As I started to lay down the first layers of blue and purple petals of these delphinium flowers, I started to panic as I did not see the contrast between the...

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Fast & Loose Acrylic Flowers | Sketchbook Diary studio video diaries Feb 20, 2024

Don’t overthink it…

But what will I paint? What materials will I use? When will I make it? What if it's rubbish? What if I don’t like it? What if I’m wasting my time?

I can...

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Women Rising: Empower your well-being through the lens of holistic health & creativity creativity & well-being Feb 15, 2024

Life is busy, even chaotic at times. As women, we often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, falling short when it comes to our own self-care and well-being. This has become the norm. We...

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Acryla Gouache Stencils | Holistic Sketchbook Diary studio video diaries Feb 13, 2024

OMG. Sometimes, things just don’t go to plan. But I truly believe there are no creative failures, only creative experiments.

My sketchbook entry this week felt like a disaster. It was messy...

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Peony Burst | Artwork Process studio video diaries Feb 08, 2024

Letting creativity flow, even when it doesn’t make sense, is the key to unlocking new parts of yourself.

Come on a journey with me as I show you some highlights from my process of creating...

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Abstract Rectangles with Acryla Gouache | Holistic Sketchbook studio video diaries Feb 06, 2024

The easiest way to get a creative fix that will help you elevate your mood and check in with yourself… Just play and explore. Nothing fancy. Nothing premeditated. Just you and the page and...

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Letting go of ingrained self-identity traits that no longer serve you studio behind the scenes Jan 28, 2024

As the new year takes hold and January comes to an end, do you find yourself reflecting on the buzz of new intentions and what this really means for you in the year ahead? 


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7 awesome ways creativity can help you release stress creativity & well-being Jan 23, 2024

Stress impacts us all in one way or another. Some events have a guaranteed stress tag attached to them! But often things that affect one person's stress levels may not affect another. Sometimes...

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