Articles and video diaries, made to inspire you to get curious about art, creativity and living authentically to support your well-being.
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Created with love, enjoy!
The many emotional layers to creating a large soul-led painitng creativity & well-being studio behind the scenes Jun 26, 2024


My own creative practice is ever-changing and beats to its own rhythm. Sometimes my art-making looks like a quick 20 minute painting session in my sketchbook or a 3 hour indulgent pencil...

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So, WHY does CREATIVE EMPOWERMENT mirror WELLNESS? And WHY is it so POWERFUL? creativity & well-being Jun 17, 2024


Simply put, when we’re creatively disconnected, we’re most likely disconnected in other areas of our lives. This is because we don’t yet have a creative means or vehicle to...

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So WHAT does a CREATIVE PRACTICE supporting WELLNESS actually look like? Here’s 10 examples for you… creativity & well-being Jun 10, 2024

Let’s dismantle the artist pedestal and get back to basics, exploring 10 simple examples of what a nourishing, accessible creative practice supporting wellness actually looks...

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The road to empowered creative wellness, inspired by my own personal journey creativity & well-being studio behind the scenes May 27, 2024

So, ten years ago, I was firmly settled in a corporate business finance career; I was good at my job, and I didn’t struggle to climb the corporate ladder into leadership roles. It was natural...

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10 simple ways to balance creative self-care practices with a busy life creativity & well-being Apr 15, 2024

Balancing a nourishing creative practice that deeply feeds your soul with the demands of everyday life, work, and family can be daunting. However, prioritising this type of self-care will

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5 ways therapeutic art practices can help you flourish creativity & well-being Mar 25, 2024

Through the lens of positive psychology, when we flourish, we embody a state of optimal well-being characterised by positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.


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Rediscover the joy of play: 7 ways creative expression enriches adult life creativity & well-being Mar 11, 2024

Creative play is not just for children. We embrace the concept of play in our kids' development. In fact, we encourage it, whether it’s active role play, new sensory experiences or good...

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The creative secret sauce my crafty mother didn't know to teach me creativity & well-being studio behind the scenes Feb 26, 2024

My mother is an avid maker of things. 

In my very early years, her obsession was knitting.  Plastic Sainsbury’s bags jammed with unruly tangled rainbows of wool. Giant, numbered,...

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Women Rising: Empower your well-being through the lens of holistic health & creativity creativity & well-being Feb 15, 2024

Life is busy, even chaotic at times. As women, we often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, falling short when it comes to our own self-care and well-being. This has become the norm. We...

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7 awesome ways creativity can help you release stress creativity & well-being Jan 23, 2024

Stress impacts us all in one way or another. Some events have a guaranteed stress tag attached to them! But often things that affect one person's stress levels may not affect another. Sometimes...

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