10 simple ways to balance creative self-care practices with a busy life

creativity & well-being Apr 15, 2024

Balancing a nourishing creative practice that deeply feeds your soul with the demands of everyday life, work, and family can be daunting. However, prioritising this type of self-care will
energise you and feed other areas of your life.

Sometimes, It’s easy to put things off with an all or nothing approach. I’ll put my hand up guilty as charged!! This is why sometimes it’s important to remember that
a creative practice should be intertwined with our everyday lives and responsibilities and not sectioned off as a stand alone nice to have.

Here are a few simple reminders to help you embrace this idea this week:

  1. Incorporate creativity into daily routines: Find ways to infuse creativity into your everyday tasks and activities. Stimulating your creativity doesn’t necessarily always have to involve the deep work of sitting down to do an elaborate artwork. Try a quick doodle in your notebook or planner before starting the next task or brainstorm creative projects during your commute, or listen to inspiring and uplifting music while doing chores. Look for opportunities to nurture your creative impulses throughout the day.

  2. Schedule "me time" for creative expression: Set aside dedicated time each day or week for your creative pursuits. Change your perspective and treat it as essential self-care time, just like you would for exercise or relaxation. Even if it's just 15 minutes a day or 1 hour a week, it all adds up and can make a significant difference. Showing up is often 80% of the battle. Make it non-negotiable. Remember that even small pockets of time can be valuable for nurturing your creativity.

  3. Involve your family in creative activities: Turn creative time into a family affair by engaging your children in art projects. This not only allows you to spend quality time together but also nurtures their creativity while fostering a supportive environment for your own. It may not be the time to do a deep therapeutic art exploration, but it will still get the senses activated and add some joy to your day and your family.

  4. Create a nurturing space: If you have the space, give yourself permission to designate a corner of your home as your creative sanctuary where you can retreat to unwind and express yourself. Decorate it with inspiring artwork, your favourite things and easy access to all the supplies you need to find some creative joy quickly and easily.

  5. Explore different creative activities: Don't limit yourself to just one form of creative activity. Experiment with various creative outlets that you’re curious about. Try different techniques. Play with different materials. Curiously follow things that inspire you without attachment to the outcome to discover what emerges and resonates with you the most.

  6. Use creativity as a stress reliever: Shift your perspective and treat your creative time as a way to unwind and de-stress after a long day. Choose something available and easy, even if it’s just simple sketching with a lead pencil. Choosing a quick, creative activity to unwind can help calm your mind and rejuvenate your spirit in profound ways.

  7. Embrace imperfection: Let go of the need for perfection in your creative work and release attachment to the outcome of creative projects. Instead, focus on the process, become aware of what evolves, and enjoy the act of creating without worrying about the end result. There is immense beauty within the process.

  8. Find inspiration in everyday life: Draw inspiration from the world around you—nature, experiences, emotions, and even mundane moments. Keep a journal or sketchbook handy to capture ideas and observations as they arise. Then, go back and reflect on these later when you have more time to immerse yourself in creative flow. It’s the little breadcrumbs of creative inspiration that turn into big, deep, fulfilling projects.

  9. Connect with other creatives: Seek out communities of like-minded individuals who share your passion for creativity. Whether you join a local art group, attend workshops, or participate in online communities, surrounding yourself with fellow creatives can provide support, encouragement, and fresh perspectives. Share your goals and progress with people who get it, and seek accountability to help you stay motivated and committed to your creative practice.

  10. Celebrate your small victories: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it's completing a creative project, learning a new skill, overcoming a creative block, or simply finding joy in the creative process, every step forward is worth celebrating.

By integrating a creative practice into your everyday life and responsibilities, you can nurture your creativity, enhance your well-being, and find joy and fulfilment despite even the busiest of schedules. There is always a new creative experience waiting for you. Shifting perspective from your creative time being a nice to have to a form of self-care that nourishes your soul and keeps you grounded amidst life's whirlwind is the path towards creative empowerment and wellness. Keep creating, and keep thriving!


Which of these will you be trying this week? Let me know. Send me a DM on Instagram @samhortonstudio or email me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you.

Take care,

Sam x





Sam Horton is a professional artist, passionate about the links between art, creativity and well-being.

Learn more about Holistic art practices for well-being

Sam's Art Studio and Studio Shop are based in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.

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