What is

Holistic Art ?

Holistic art practices embody the mind-body-spirit connection and embrace the healing powers of art-making. 

They involve meeting yourself where you are and allowing your creativity to flow through you to create art from a place of deep truth and knowing.

Discover how art & creativity can help you to find authentic, meaningful ways to take better care of yourself, with this powerful FREE guide  ↳


Grab your FREE guide ! →

Tell me...

★   ​​Did you expect this phase of womanhood to FEEL MORE FULFILLING?  You’ve ticked the boxes; created enviable levels of success and yet you can’t remember the last time you did something just for the sheer JOY of it.  Maybe you’ve always been a go-getter, yet find yourself  struggling to pinpoint your purposeful direction?
★ Are you LACKING MEANINGFUL WAYS TO CONNECT with yourself and access your inner power and wisdom?  Do you find it hard to shut out other people’s voices and opinions around big decisions and would love to trust your own intuition more?
★ Is your SELF-CARE LACKING; that one thing you always mean to get to in amongst the laundry list of other people’s priorities, and you yearn to carve out time just for you that is more than a 5 min hot shower or a few too many glasses of wine? 
★ Do you have a CREATIVE CURIOSITY burning in your heart?  You know there is more within you to say, share and contribute but are unsure exactly how to tap into it, channel it or express it?
★ Do you STRUGGLE TO GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to explore & play creatively? Do you have fond memories of art making but can’t help but feel it’s merely a childish indulgence?
★ Do you MAKE EXCUSES about not having time to nurture your creativity, then realise yet again you just mindlessly scrolled social media for two hours 
★ Are you CURIOUS about how art-making and creativity can improve your well-being, deepen your relationships and create unshakeable clarity around what’s most important to you in this chapter?

Don’t worry! I see you!

And I get it.  Just a few years ago I was knee deep in my white picket fence life, giving my soul to my corporate finance job and so disconnected from who I really was and what I really wanted that my life was slowly falling apart around me as I ignored the authentic creativity that burned in my heart and kept on pushing through, living by someone else’s rules… until I didn’t. 

My own creative wellness journey over the past decade has helped me to realise that I already have everything I need within me to live more expansively and to feel self nurtured and whole - emotionally, mentally, phyiscally, and spirtually.

I want you to know, that creativity and art-making as part of your self-care toolkit truly has the power to heal and transform your life!

Would you love to...


 ★ PUT YOURSELF FIRST.  Like, really, and experience simple yet powerful ways to CARE FOR AND NOURISH YOURSELF using mindful creative practices that quieten the outside noise and bring you closer to yourself. 
★ Discover how to ACCESS AND HARNESS YOUR INNER POWER & WISDOM and feel supported and guided through any tricky milestones life throws at you - simply by owning your unique creativity?
★ Affirm that you already have everything you need within yourself to LIVE MORE EXPANSIVELY and to feel self-nurtured and whole - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually
★ Be BOLDER and BRAVER in your goals, desires and decisions and feel powerful, unstoppable and authentic because you know how to show up in the world in a way that feels like YOU - and with more PURPOSE and MEANING than ever before
★ TAKE THE PRESSURE OFF and try a new way to let off stream, release stress, and PLAY MORE through fun and varied art-making  practices without worrying about whether you have the skills to pull off a decent looking project (it honestly doesn’t matter, the process holds the gold  and you will naturally get better and feel more satisfied over time!)
★ Be gently guided to process & SUPPORT YOUR BIG EMOTIONS in a healthy, restorative way through creative exploration and play without the need to find the words? 
★ Find ways to DEEPLY EXPRESS YOURSELF in authentic and empowering ways; to uncover your truest self and honest feelings that may have been watered down or suppressed over the years and figure out WHO you really are and what you WANT for yourself?
 Be part of a COMMUNITY of like-minded creative souls on the same journey? 
You can achieve all of this through my guided holistic, soul-led art-making & wellness practices...

(Even if it feels like forever since you made any art and even if you barely know how to hold a paintbrush).


My unique signature framework - SOUL-LED CREATIVE WELLNESS, has been developed as a result of my own creative wellness journey.

It supports creatively curious women to transform their self care and improve their well-being by finding authentic, empowering ways to deeply express and connect with themselves. 

This is achieved through holistic art-making and wellness practices that support soul-led inquiry, encompassing the whole woman, including her inner heart space and most intimate relationships, her beliefs and perceptions, her energy for change and her interactions with the wider world.

By incorporating these nourishing creative practices into self care, my goal is to empower women to access and harness their inner power and wisdom, by realising that they already have everything they need within themselves to live more expansively, and to feel self nurtured and whole - mentally, emotionally, physically and spirtually. 

The work I share to support and guide others is embodied in my own holistic creative wellness practice.

Ask me anything!

Not sure if we're the right fit...? Want to find out how we can work together? Let's work it out. Ask me anything so I can personally reach out to you and answer your questions.

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Dive into the world of EMPOWERED CREATIVITY with me and learn to explore and express your inner landscape through soul-led, holistic art-making  & wellness practices.