experience transformative self-led change and empowerment through creative-based action and soul-led inquiry

by experimenting with art materials, techniques and processes with child-like curiosity to help you remember the real you


by giving yourself permission to re-write the way you connect with yourself by surrendering to the creative process


by gaining unique insights into your inner world, through therapeutic art & wellness practices, giving you the strength and resilience to create more gentle ease and joy in your life

Work with me 1:1 on your journey towards


With a personalised Creative Wellness Strategy for you to work through at your pace, with 3 tiers of 1:1 support available

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This is for you if you are:

  •  Ready to stop making excuses about your well-being and choose a creative path that feeds your soul. 

  • Creatively curious even if you haven't picked up a pencil or paintbrush in a really long time.

  • On a personal growth journey, open to new ways of supporting your well-being creatively and holistically.

  • Ready to pro-actively and consciously reduce the harmful stress in your life through holistic, therapeutic art-making.

  • Ready to experience transformative change through creative-based action.

  • Open to deeper self-connection and awareness by tapping into your sub-conscious through soul-led art-making activities.

  • Ready to invest a handful of hours every week on creative, art-making activities to see results.

I currently have 3 tiers of 1:1 support to meet you where you are right now

each tier will progressively take you deeper on your journey towards creative wellness and help you to transform your self care and access you inner power and wisdom.

1:1 Basic Creative Wellness Strategy

You're intrigued about how your creativity can support your well being and transform your self-care

You're curious about filling up your creative cup to experience greater connection & purpose.

You'd like some guidance that you can implement in your own time and with your own rhythm

1:1 Guided Creative Wellness Strategy

You're ready to incorporate creative art-making and wellness practices into your self-care routine.

You're overwhelmed with where to start and how to reactivate your creative practice.

You'd like some practical 1:1 step by step guidance and support to get started.


1:1 Intensive Creative Wellness Strategy

You're a successful woman who has it all on paper but you often feel disconnected and unfulfilled despite having so much to be grateful for.

You are ready to experience transformative self-led change and empowerment through creative-based action.

You'd like a deep and intimate personalised 1:1 experience to activate your creative wellness practice.

Discuss which option is the right fit for you - starting from AU$297

Book a Free Call

Ask me anything!

Not sure if we're the right fit...? Let's work it out. Ask me anything so I can personally reach out to you and answer your questions.